Saturday, March 1, 2008


Allow me to explain myself. I have come to the understanding that many of you who have seen my graceful fall on my @$$ are trying to figure out what the crap I was doing in the first place. What I was SO obviously trying to do was go through an obstacle course that I set up for my and my friend Amy's kids while at a climbing gym. After about an hour of them easily running over and through the course, they wanted me to do it with them. You can see how far I got... not even past obstacle numero uno.


Bilary said...

I love your fall! It was classic. Nice to see such a gorgeous girl fall once in a while. Makes the rest of us feel a little better about ourselves. Hehehe.

I am so glad to see you have a blog! I will add a link to you on my blog if that is okay! And, yes, you can link us on yours. What a fun way to stay in touch!

Bilary said...

And a little shout out for your mom! Hey, Sheila! Thanks for the little "hello" on my blog! I'm sorry I missed you today. I would have been sharing the cough, cold, fever joy if I would have been there! I am glad you are all living so close now. We will get together soon! I'd love to see you all!

P.S. Where is your blog? You really should start one. Then you have a place to document all of your adventures!