Monday, April 18, 2011

In the meantime...

I know, I have been ignoring my blog for far too long. In fact so long, that I don't even check it anymore. It, embarrassingly enough, reminds me about being a prepubescent girl writing my secret thoughts in a diary. It began as a daily occurence and over time all of my entries began to look like this...

"Dear Diary,
I'm sorry that I haven't written you in sooo long. I have been so busy. This is who I like now... "

Brings back memories right?(Please don't ask me to finish that sentence. I'm just remembering how every entry mentioned boys, unfortunately.) Well, I am going to attempt to get back in the groove of blogging, especially after a recent purchase of a new camera. For some reason I am feeling like blogging will somehow help with the justification of the expense. Does it, please?

We just got back last night from a week long trip to Texas and I am currently working on a post to document our vacation. In the meantime here is a little picture of Ryne. I get a lump in my throat just looking at him and how quickly he is growing up. Can I still consider him a baby?



Sarah said...

Sure can! He's too cute. Can't wait to see & read about Texas. And hear more about this new camera. ooo-la-la.

Andy and Brooke said...

I love new things, especially when they take awesome pictures of the family. I think your purchase is justified. I still consider Danika a baby, so yeah you can still call Ryne a baby. ;-)

kesli said...

You're back!! Brad mentioned you got a new camera but I failed to ask him what kind of camera. And yes, Ryne will always be your baby. Unless you have another child, right?


He is getting big! So cute!


Morgan is really Lindsey!