Sunday, September 9, 2007

Homework and Scavengers

This is what happens when I don't feed Shane often enough... He loves to eat and would be constantly doing so if he could. He is a scavenger and finds things that I forgot that I even had. For example, these unfrosted Pop Tarts, who in the heck would want to eat those other then Shane? I have a child lock on my pantry door that Shane and Daxon have both figured out how to bypass it. What a waste of money that product was.

Well, here is Daxon's very first legitimate homework assignment. He was so excited to do it, and he kept hugging me throughout the process of making it. Now let's hope that this is not the week that he gets kicked out of preschool. Yes, he has already been "written up" twice, and last Wednesday when I picked him up from school he was sitting in front of the principal's office. I didn't know if I should cry or laugh. He has made such an improvement with his "listening skills" in the last few weeks, that it makes it all worth it. Oh, and yes that is a picture of Toby and Ady on his poster...


sheila said...

I must say I have cute grandsons. Daxons homework reminds me of one that Caitlin did in kindergarten. She drew a picture of a shoe to signify that she wanted to be a shoe salesman when she grew up.

Amy said...

That's some serious homework for a preschooler. Pretty dang cute i might add.
The top picture of Shaners is without a doubt the cutest picture I've ever seen. He's so stinkin cute. Sheila I have to agree!
By the way, love the table.

lisa said...

did you just fill in the blanks of the poster, or create the whole thing? the boys are looking handsome! i want to grow peter jon's hair as long as shanes.

Sunshine said...

Wow, YOUR hair got long too, Chanel! I know I haven't seen you in awhile - it's so pretty. Hilarious of Shane...he and Soleil would totally get along. She's the kid that puts everything into her mouth. And Daxon, well, there are more than 1 preschools in Radiator Springs, aren't there? ;->

kesli said...

Shane and Ryli would clean up the pantry if they got together. It is amazing what they will eat - EVERYTHING! Dax is lucky to have such a wonderful mom. Also, ditto on the long hair and the table. You may have motivated me to do the same.

Amy said...

By the way, love Shaners one little lonely sock.
Call me ASAP. My phone officially had it's death and took all my numbers with it to it's grave!!!!